Saturday, February 26, 2011

Jual ikan = selfish =.=

Masa zaman sekolah rendah dolu dolu , aku ingat selfish tuh jual ikan. Maklum laa. zaman kanak2 rebena kan, tak bape nak paham ag menatang english education nih. Hehe. Tapi rupa rupanya bukan jual ikan laa. PENTINGKAN DIRI SENDIRI laaa. Ohhhh. Okayy. Tau dah ! :D

So, what’s up with this selfish thingy ehh ? tarapapa pun sebenarnya. Saja jaa dok gatai nak cakap cakap pasal nih. Hmm. There are a few of them yg gilaa selfish. Langsung tak kesah about others. Janji sendirik lepas sudah. Hello brother ! mcm S*AL la kau ! oppsssie ! tak baik ckp S*AL S*AL nih ! okay okay. Tak cakap S*AL tak cakap S*AL. Tak S*AL pun ! okayy ? =.=

Agknye org yg selfish nih tak terlintas ke dlm kepala hotak dia nak jaga hati org lain ? apa yg dia buat tuh susahkan org ke idak ? tak pikior ke yop ? duss dusss. Tak payah cakap org sgt. Ade time aku pun sama. Okay. Tutup cerita.

Ehh, tapi nak cakap jugak sikit ! sikit jek ! puhleaseee ? okay eh ? haaa. I loike ! :D hahahaha

So, berbalik kpd kes org yg pentingkan diri nih. Terkadang terpikir juga, dorg agknye tak perasan kot yg dorg selfish. Kan ? yelaa, they’ve been up to who they think they are and who they are comfortly since like foreverr and for them it was like ‘alaaa. Ape nye ? I’m being myself okay !’ yelaa. Tau laa ape ape pun kena jadik diri sendirik. But still, others have heart. Others have their own responsibilites and so on. Not to entertain you alone dear selfisher selfisher seantero alam oi.

Haihh. So nasihat kepada selfisher di luar dan kpd diri sendirik jugak, stop thinking bout you and only you laa weh. think bout others too. Okay ? kasihani la orang sekeliling yg turut terkena tempias kesan daripada sikap pentingkan diri anda itu okay ? haa ? apa dia ? Tak okay ? tak okay tuh lantak kau laa. nanti klu org lain dah fed up ngn kau baru tau ! bila semua dah malas nak layan kau baru kau sedar ! haaaa. masa tuh baru la terhegeh hegeh nak berhenti dari uitm. Oooppsssss ! terlepas ! my bad. Esh esh esh.

*tengah tension study FAR nih. Esok TEST ! grrr. FAR nih pun selfish jugak ! =.=

*by the time aku post nih dah lepas TEST FAR dah. gilaa lah. soalan mcm cibai ! grrr. GERAM SAYA !

Thursday, February 24, 2011

like is ain't love you olls !

wah ! comel gila gambar dia ! aaaaaaaaaaa ! *jerit gedik =.=
tuhh tuhh. mamat yang tuh haa. gilaa kacak ! auwwww ! I like !
aisehh. dia pandang sini la plak. cover cepat cover cepat ! *senyum manjaa =.=
haa. hari ni dapat jumpa dia sebab class gabung ! *berbunga bunga!

okayy fine. I know it was like euuuwwwwww. gedik gila ayat2 kat atas nih ! erkk ! but hey ! it's reality okay ! and it's a girls talk ! like gyeeaaaahhhh. it happens ! kan kan ? jgn tipu cakap takde tau tau. tak baik ! haha

well, mostly us girls pantang if there is a nice hot guy, with 6 packs *HOT , yg gilaaa cute, handsome, looks kinda sweet. or even if a nice good looking guy came to give a hand when a book fell down *mcm dlm drama :p or being nice to us. of course we'll like, ' ehhh, he is sweet laa. jarang ade lelaki mcm nih dah. ' *padahal mende biasa jek  =.= 

but ehhh, BUKAN SEMUA. not all of us are like these okayyy. just minority I guess. mostly kot. erk. maybe just teens. kan kan ? old folks is ain't gonna scream like aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!! unless if there is something else like buaya or wat so everrr.

btw, my point is not to criticize these girls because I AM ONE OF THEM okayyy ! haa ! pengakuan berani mati nih ! because it is just fun to scream gediksly and feeling the excitedness and being like soo happy at that moment till you can smile all day long sampai lenguh2 pipi semua ! hahahahha. 

okayy. back to the main point. what I am trying to say is, this is call LIKE or liking a person or feeling happy with a person or like his physical appearance or simply just liking a person. bak kata omputih suka suka saja laaa. takdak dok cinta cinta ehh. tau idak ? takat suka suka jak pon ! 

haaahh ! this is NOT love. this is NOT desperadoo. this is NOT layan semua lelaki. okayy ? understood ? it is just liking. gedik is okayy laa since it is gedik to scream aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !! when you saw his picture. so, okay finee. gedik is acceptable la =.=' . but when a person was like ' eee. kau nih desperate sgt ke ? ' erk. inchikk ! this is ain't desperate la inchik ! this is liking ! SUKA ! it is just for FUN. takda kena mengena antara yang hidup atau meninggal dunia ! erhhh =.=

some girls, yeahhh. they already have their beloved boyfie and still admire someone else. but heyy. it ain't looove dude. it is just liking ! deep down in their heart,there is always that special someone. before they get into bed it is that special someone that they think about. when hard times or good times come, it is that special someone that they wanna share things with. suka suka tuh takat suka suka jek laa. tapi dalam hati cuma SI DIA sajaa ! auwwwww ! hahahaha ;D

so pleasee puhleaseeee don't judge a girl who likes a boy as desperate or gatai miang or layan semua jantan or wat so everr. naaahhhhhh. bullshit. it is just liking la you ollss. i like you. it is not i love you or i want you or i need you. okayy ? chill la babe :D

curi curi snap this picture when I'm on my way to class 
because i love the colour of their shirt ! chantek laaa ! 
abg ! pinjam baju bolehh ? wakakakaka XD

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


ieyn, thanks for the tagged ! ;)

Whats your name?
*Nureen Afiqah bt Arif Ruziman

When is your birthday?

How do you feel right now
* sleepy. panas terik. bahang. duhhhh =.=

What did you do on your birthday last year?
* nothing much. last year punya birthday tak patut di ingat ;)

What about this year?
* harap sangat better dari duluu duluuu kan kan ;)

How do you relax?
*tidur. listen to good music. cry. solat.

Whats your favorite book?

Who was the last person to text you?
*Nur Arina Nurul Akla ;)

What about call you?
*sepupu yg baik hati ; Ejat Azmi yg nak belikan cover fon ! whooot !

Who was your last ex?
* syamsiah ! hahahha :p

Have you ever been drunk?
*NEVER was and NEVER will. insyaAllah.

What did you wear last halloween?
*t shirt ?

When did you last cry?
*Last Monday, tiba tiba mata berpeluh peluh ! huuhhh !

Are your parents still together?

Who did you last argue with?
*classmates. hahahaha :p

What time did you go to bed last night?

Who is your best friend?
*arin, muniee, bella, hana, shedangesah, mimi, miera, peja,roomates

Do you bite your nails?

What about toe nails?
*double tidakkkk !

What are your hobbies?
*bersocial networking kott

Have you ever watched the sun set?
*yup ! heavenly beautiful :) 

Where did last vacation to?
*Kuala Gula, fishing, watching sun rise, relaxing with family :D

Whats your hair color?
*hitam keperang perangan. rambut kuh tidak sihat ! :(

What are you wearing?
*shirt and short 

Do you wear makeup?
*eyeliners only :)

Do you get hayfever?
* tidakk

What music are you into?
*semua :D

Have you ever been out with your best friend’s ex?
*nope !

Ever sneak out of your house?
*erkk. mcm pernah ? tp I guess that didnt count kot :p

What did you do today?
*pergi class, facebooking, lunch, menjerit dgn arin :)

What are you doing tomorrow?
*let me plan it tonight 

Whats the last thing you ate?
*Maggi Kari. sedihhh -.-"

Are you a forgiving person?
*it takes time.

Are you mad at anyone right now?
*tidakk :)

Are you talking to anyone while doing this?
*yup ! Eyda Nazeri nih haa :p

Ever had a garage sale?

What is/was your school like?
* awesomeee because I had my friendss :D 

Describe your best friend?
*comfortable to be with :)

Do you like your partner’s family?
*I dont have one for the time being :)

When did you last smile and why?
*just did. kenangan berkayak was awesomeee ! XD

Have you ever cheated in a test?
*saya cuma jujur masa exam saja =.=

Are you scared of falling in love?

Have you ever felt replaced?

Do you trust your friends?
*bestfriends - of course. friends - mostly does. strangers - yes .

Do you like coffee?
*i need it to keep me awake ! huhh

Have you had kids?
*dalam mimpi pun belum okayy ! hahaha

If not, do you want them?
*nak ! sebab mereka comel dan nak gigit gigit pipi yg tembam tuh ! grrr :D

Are you brainy
*erkk. brainy ni ape ? heee

What was the last film you watched?
*SAW. mengerikan -____-

Whats the time?
*3.23 PM

How old are you going to be in 7 months?

Was yesterday better then today?
*today is always better than yesterday :)

When did you last see your mum?
*last friday. and I miss home badly ! :'(

Your dad?
*it's been almost 2 weeks I guess.

Your boyfriend/girlfriend?
*ohh. saya single ! whooot ! ;)

Do you smile often?
*sangat  ! :D

Do you collect anything?
*duit ?

Can you remember your dreams?
*not anymore.

Do they come true?
*i wish they were :)

Who would you kill right now if you could?
*no body no body but youu

Where were you 4 hours ago?

What song describes your life right now?
*can't think of any laaa

Whats your biggest regret?
*for not realising.

Whats your body type?
*pear ? hahahhaa. berangan !

Do you have any scars?
*sangat byk. parut jerawat lagikkk =.=

What from?
*ohh. da teranswer kt atas. luka and jerrrawat

What pets do you have?
*noo pet

Where do you get your music from?
*around me

Your most recent lie
*aku okay jek

A lie you tell yourself
*I'm okay eith it. I'm fine. I'm happy.

You are embarrassed when you
*diganding gandingkan dgn si dia yg I sukaa. ohhh ! malu ! * gedikgedik* ! hahhahaa

The memory that still makes you laugh
*chicken dance dalam kayak ! ahhahhahhaha

How you picture the end of the world
*something that can't be picturise

Nur Arina Nurul Akla :)

Nur Arina Nurul Akla nama diberi,
sopan santun berhemah lagi ;
siapakah tuan empunya diri ?
of course laa kawan aku !

hahahahaha. Siap nak berpantun bagai :p duss dusss. Hahaha. Tade ape. Saja nak cerita sikit pasal yong sorang ni. Aku panggil dia Arin. Sebenarnye dia nih pasangan lesbo aku. Hahahha ! tak tak takk. Acah acah jekk ! :p

Arin ni sebenarnye aku da anggap cam kakak aku dah. Tempat nak gedik gedik ngadu segala mende dari yg sekecik kecik kena gigit nyamuk sampai masalah politik dunia semua dgn dia. Kenal dia kat uitm nih laa. Satu bilik last sem. Tapi sem nih dipisahkan. Tapi selang sebilik 
jek laa. so, still bilik kau bilik aku jugak. Hee ;D

Arin nih baik tau. Selalu ada no matter what. Bukan nak cakap member lain tak ada, ada jugak tapi maklumlaa. Ada yg ada kerja, busy, ada hal, ada prob sendirik and so on sume kan kan. Arin pun sama jugak. Busy, ade kerja sume, tapi still ade utk aku. Dah mcm balak aku dah ;) well, she is my romeo. Nama timang timang ktorg ROMEO ngn JULIET ! dia romeo aku juliet ! comel kan kan ? auuwwwwwww ! hahaha. Pada masa lapang kami sering *macam buat karangan masa form5 dah -.- ; snap picture, ceritera ceritera, stalk sana sini, bersuper junior sambil jerit terpekak terlolong, shopping, lepak mamak, dan yg paling paling paling aku suka ; duduk belakang blok tgk bintang ngn bulan ;) best sgt okayyyy ! dan yang paling penting ! bersama sama sentiasa ! whoooot !

ohh. lagi satu perkara paling penting pasal Arina nih. dia GILAA super junior ! haduss. tersangat lah gilakan super junior ! hahahahaha. byk gila video pasal korean2 thingy nih sume. mcm mcm kawan haku sorg nih :p

to arin : 
Arinaaa, thanks utk semua mende okayy ? aku sayang kau tau weh. Sgt sgt sgt :D harap2 kau tak jadik pindah tapah *amin ! sebab nanti aku takde geng dah. Arinaaa, thanks sebab selalu layan kepala aku yg tak tentu arah nih, thanks sebab selalu ada, thanks sebab selalu teman, thanks sebab selalu comfort aku, thanks sebab never fail to be a BEST FRIEND ;)

my version of Arina :

clumsy <3

adorably sweet <3 

perfectly fine <3

*aku dah puji melambung lambung nih, belanja KFC okayy ? ngehehehe :p
and yeahhh. saya sayang awakk ;)


Weekend yg sgt best ohh ohh ! whoot ! pergi kayak lagik :D kali nih route die tak sama ngn last sem but still everything was superb !

9.00 a.m – berkumpul kat foyer FSPU ; breakfast, snap pixca, bebel bebel, tunggu bas.

bergambar sementara tunggu bas ;)

Sampai kat Manong tuh pukul bape ntah. Aku tak ingat. Hee. Masa nak turun mula2 macam confident jek. Tapi bila da sampai turn aku utk menjejakkn punggung d tempat duduk kayak tuh, ring ding dong ring ding dong jantung aku babe !  bila da turun kat air bertambah laju la ring ding dong nye ! hahaha. Plak tuh turun turun jek dah terbalik dok. Kira berkayak mengundur laa aku kejap. Hahhaha . Dapat partner laki jugak *of course laa kan, I need their strength ;p Amirul Abd Halim si photographer. Mula2 dia lagik cuak dari aku okayy ! hahaha. Tapi pastu dia okayy saja cool jek mendayung. Aku yang asyik bising penat la tuh la ini lah. Hee. Sorry mirul ! :D 
partner kayak sem dua :D

 tapi kali ni extreme sket ohh ! byk kayak terbalik n ade kayak siap pecah lagik ! huhhh. Seriau jek. Tido plak dlm khemah ditemani lampu pasar malam yg bising dan dikelilingi binatang2. Huhu. Ohh ohh ! tak lupa yg paling penting ! kaki aku naik pacat ! erkk. Pacat tuh berminat dgn darah aku yg manis kot ? errr =.=

nampak tak yang pakai tudung putih baju cokelat lengan belang belang yg dok depan ayam tuh ? nampak tak nampak tak ?? aku la tuh :D pencedok ayam yang setia ! 

sukaaa gambar ni ! cantik ! :D

Second day kayak mmg pnat sbb lenguh dah satu badan. Tapi sempat berchicken dance kejap as warming up ! Cerita paling hot tuk hari kedua ialah ; aku ngan Amirul nih tersangkut bwh jambatan ! Row row row the boat sgt laa kan, haa hamek kau ! cuak wehh. Kelam kabut aku dibuatnye. Nasib baik si Amirul nih cool jek. Relax jek dia suruh aku relax. Hahaha. Siap berchicken dance lagik ktorg dlm kayak tuh ! XP

ohh ! lupa nak habaq mai. masa breakfast pun lagi sekali menjadi pencedok makanan yg setia ! comel tak kami ? comel kan kan ? hahahah

1.00p.m *lebih kurang laa – pulang lah kami ke uitm ;)

In a nutshell *practice essay BEL ;p semua was superb and perfectly fine :D yelaa. Dah la FREE, dapat SIJIL plak, dapat STICKER rebutan mahasiswa dan siswi uitm lagik, dapat makan sodap sodap free lagik ! woahh ! what else cud you ask for la wehh ? siap dpt member2 baru sume. Memang terbaik dari ladang okayy ! so, nak lagik nak lagik nak lagiikkkk ! :D

tengok yg kiri sekali tuh ! hehehhe :p

Sunday, February 6, 2011


hari ni tgh dok on9 sume tiba2 terpandang gamba2 masa Hari Sukan Brash tahun 2009 ! mula2 mcm, yeahhh wateveer. tapi bila tgk dan tgk terus mcm woahhhh ! yg nih yg nih ! haa ! masa nih masa nih ! gambar nih pun ade ! yeahhh ! aku nih aku nih ! HAHAHA ! sengih tak hengat dunie siap pukul2 pipi lagik ! *blushing konon ;p Brash mmg best :) I mean the friends laa of course, cikgu pun ade yg okayyy kecuali INTAN SUHANA *sorry, I can't help but to hate yaa ! RINDU ZAMAN SEKOLAH ! whuuuuuaaaaa ! :'( lepak2 dgn classmate, gelak gelak, beratur perhimpunan, lari dari kena tahan sebab pakai anak tudung hitam, asyik pergi toilet, TIDOO masa physics, sorok phone tiap kali spot check, pegi mkn ramai2 :D tido sama sama, outing tegedik2 ke mana mana besamasama, dating, kantoi, borang biruu, kena marah ! heee. RINDUU wehhh ! it was great, everything was perfectly awwwsome ! aku rindu kawan kawan ouhh ! mane agknye dorg ehh ? I wish they are doing great. I know they are :) kawan, I MISSED YOU ;)

*tau dah kenapa tiba2 teringat ? ;p

kami budak baikkkk :D

*gambar tak byk, mostly are my classmate la of course kan, zaman sekolah tak boleh bwk camera ye adik2 ! :p

Friday, February 4, 2011


when they ask me about YOU, I could only answer them with a SMILE *fake

it ain't easy pretending to be okay ; nuen

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

limau ? jangan banyak-banyak !

raya cina = limau banyak banyak !

kat rumah aku ada dua kotak kot ! orang tu bagi, orang nih bagi so memang banyak gilaa lah !
aku pun bila mnde da banyak nih main makan jek tak hengat dunia. 
sambil on9 makan, sambil 3 4 bijik skali ngadap.
dua hari mkn cmtuh tiba2 dada dah rasa heavy semcm jek *petanda nak kne asma =.='
dan dgn rasminya semalam segala asma, demam, sakit kepala, selsema segala bagai dtg menyerang !
terbaring sehari suntuk tak bule bgn. haha
poor me ehh
so, no more oranges for me. no more ices. no more dust *tak payah sapu2 dah :D

*kau tak paya nak perasan sgt laa kan. aku mmg senang suka kt semua orang okayy ! choy~ !

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Egypt - they are not that save ! HELP them MALAYSIA !

aku dapat ni dr blog Luahan Hati Matika. tatau nak ckp apa lepas baca sebab cam risau and kesian becampur cuak sume. moga Allah lindungi semua org Islam di sana terutamanya orang Malaysia. amin.

Minta jasa baik semua yang berada di Malaysia,
Tolong, tolong, tolong, sebarkan pada semua.
Tingkatkan kesedaran.
Rakyat Malaysia di Egypt perlukan bantuan kerajaan.
Secepat mungkin.
Keadaan di Egypt adalah lebih buruk dari yg anda semua tahu.

Kami lihat, media utama di Malaysia tidak ketengahkan langsung hal Egypt.
Kata TPM, "Pelajar Malaysia selamat, tidak perlu dibawa pulang."

Please, jangan bergantung pada media tempatan dah.
Go online, bukak BBC, Al-Jazeera.
BUKA MATA, banyak lagi penting dari hal pilihanraya Tenang tu.

Kenapa, kenapa, student abroad je yg banyak sebarkan hal ni???
Lepas tu, keluarga pelajar Egypt yg kt Malaysia je risau.
Korang tak risau ke?
Tolong la, aku merayu ni.

Okay, wanna know the truth???

Airport di Alexandria dah tak boleh pakai.
Balai polis di sekitar Mansoura dan Alexandria dah dipecah.
Angkatan polis diarahkan untuk tidak mengawal, kononnya untuk susahkan lagi protes.
Penjara-penjara, yes, PLURAL, di sekitar Egypt dah dipecah masuk; lebih 6000 banduan terlepas di jalan-jalan Egypt.
Pelajar2 perempuan terpaksa bergantung dengan pelajar2 lelaki untuk mengawal rumah mereka.
picture credit to krisis mesir

kesiankan dorg ? mesti tak tenang jek. sape yg ada family kat sana mesti lagi risau sebab tak dapat contact kan kan ? esh ! for those yg tak dapat contact, why don't you try this ; 


AlJazeera : Google launched a service for people in Egypt to send Twitter messages by dialing a phone number, no Internet connection needed. The following numbers are listed for people to use the service: +16504194196 or +390662207294 or +97316199855.

Ya Allah, Kau selamatkan lah muslimin di Egypt Ya Allah. Berikanlah mereka tempat berlindung Ya Allah. dan jika ditakdirkan mereka mati, matikanlah mereka dalam keadaan shahid Ya Allah. sesungguhnya tiada yang lain selain kepada Kau tempat kami memohon bantuan. Amin.