Thursday, February 24, 2011

like is ain't love you olls !

wah ! comel gila gambar dia ! aaaaaaaaaaa ! *jerit gedik =.=
tuhh tuhh. mamat yang tuh haa. gilaa kacak ! auwwww ! I like !
aisehh. dia pandang sini la plak. cover cepat cover cepat ! *senyum manjaa =.=
haa. hari ni dapat jumpa dia sebab class gabung ! *berbunga bunga!

okayy fine. I know it was like euuuwwwwww. gedik gila ayat2 kat atas nih ! erkk ! but hey ! it's reality okay ! and it's a girls talk ! like gyeeaaaahhhh. it happens ! kan kan ? jgn tipu cakap takde tau tau. tak baik ! haha

well, mostly us girls pantang if there is a nice hot guy, with 6 packs *HOT , yg gilaaa cute, handsome, looks kinda sweet. or even if a nice good looking guy came to give a hand when a book fell down *mcm dlm drama :p or being nice to us. of course we'll like, ' ehhh, he is sweet laa. jarang ade lelaki mcm nih dah. ' *padahal mende biasa jek  =.= 

but ehhh, BUKAN SEMUA. not all of us are like these okayyy. just minority I guess. mostly kot. erk. maybe just teens. kan kan ? old folks is ain't gonna scream like aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!! unless if there is something else like buaya or wat so everrr.

btw, my point is not to criticize these girls because I AM ONE OF THEM okayyy ! haa ! pengakuan berani mati nih ! because it is just fun to scream gediksly and feeling the excitedness and being like soo happy at that moment till you can smile all day long sampai lenguh2 pipi semua ! hahahahha. 

okayy. back to the main point. what I am trying to say is, this is call LIKE or liking a person or feeling happy with a person or like his physical appearance or simply just liking a person. bak kata omputih suka suka saja laaa. takdak dok cinta cinta ehh. tau idak ? takat suka suka jak pon ! 

haaahh ! this is NOT love. this is NOT desperadoo. this is NOT layan semua lelaki. okayy ? understood ? it is just liking. gedik is okayy laa since it is gedik to scream aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !! when you saw his picture. so, okay finee. gedik is acceptable la =.=' . but when a person was like ' eee. kau nih desperate sgt ke ? ' erk. inchikk ! this is ain't desperate la inchik ! this is liking ! SUKA ! it is just for FUN. takda kena mengena antara yang hidup atau meninggal dunia ! erhhh =.=

some girls, yeahhh. they already have their beloved boyfie and still admire someone else. but heyy. it ain't looove dude. it is just liking ! deep down in their heart,there is always that special someone. before they get into bed it is that special someone that they think about. when hard times or good times come, it is that special someone that they wanna share things with. suka suka tuh takat suka suka jek laa. tapi dalam hati cuma SI DIA sajaa ! auwwwww ! hahahaha ;D

so pleasee puhleaseeee don't judge a girl who likes a boy as desperate or gatai miang or layan semua jantan or wat so everr. naaahhhhhh. bullshit. it is just liking la you ollss. i like you. it is not i love you or i want you or i need you. okayy ? chill la babe :D

curi curi snap this picture when I'm on my way to class 
because i love the colour of their shirt ! chantek laaa ! 
abg ! pinjam baju bolehh ? wakakakaka XD

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