Monday, June 27, 2011


yeahh. again and again. it is the sorrow part of me.
i miss u lah gilaa. i miss u so much that it feels hard to breathe, tahu ?
sumpah i'm controlling myself from stalking. control sungguh sungguh nih !
sebab i know i'll be hurt later on. sedih ohh.
pakcik, i wanna hate u. i wanna stop liking u. i wanna erase u.
tapi tak boleh jugak.
balik je la balik, boleh tak ?
sumpah jeles tgk nik dgn zaqwan, munie dgn emy. they are damn sweet~
nak jugakk !

nik, sorry curik gmbar u. hehe ;)

but however I do believe. one day it will happen. patience is all I need. u told me so. kan ? 
i still miss u. gila ah. kau bomoh aku ke ni ?

i miss you. i love you. always am, always will do.


  1. adek . sabar keyh . maybe one day kamu dapat singkirkan prasaan sayang kamu kat die . jux sabar tau !

  2. betol tu nuen. sabar yea. it take a long time but i know u can dear. btw, aku ngan abg ji tak sweet ke ? :P

  3. akak, haihh. harap harap laa kan ? thanks akak ! :D

    sheda : kau dgn abg Ji aku tak pernah dgar korg punya cte. maklumlaa. kau bukan nk cte kat aku pun kan ~ lalalala~ hahaha :p

  4. awww nuen, so sweet. terkejut gilaaa ada gmbr. haha

    btw, karma always have. sooner or later, its always have the answers. hehehe take care babe :)

  5. auwww. terharu nya zaqwan baca ^^ haha
    kantoi laa stalk korg kan ? hee
    yeah. im all okay now. dia ada tme yg jadi emo gilaa sekejap.

    thanks a lotx zaqwan :D

  6. hahaha sbenarnyaa, ni nikk ^^ kitorg share blog sbb my blog can not access to itt! hahaha

    biasa la emo emo tu, nevermind, times flies slowly :)

  7. kah kah. punya siap tweet tag si zaqwan tu tahu ? HAHAHA

    yeahh. insyaAllah this will end one day. just need to keep being strong ! gyeaahh ! hehe

    thanks a lots NIK :D

  8. syg, tolong kuat tauu? ape2 nnty immediately gtau kite. jgn smpn2 sorg2. gtau kite cpt2 tau yunk? kite share sme2 tau? kite ade ngn kmu. always! kite ngn emy always beside you. chaiyokk2 :')
